Saturday, May 2, 2009

Notte Sento - Short Film

View Notte Sento Here:

In honor of our departure for the Jeonju International Film Festival tomorrow I thought I would make a quick post of this short film composed of still shots. This sweet piece is based in a city very close to my heart, Rome. When I watched it I got tingles as the young woman entered the train station in Rome, the first foreign place to which I have ever been - it is a special place to me. Our experiences continue to be similar in that we were both whisked away by men who briskly introduce the main sites of Roma. Sadly the likeness of experiences end here - my whisk man was a cab driver and I was a scuzzy American straight off the plane. . . .

I hope you enjoy this. It put a smile on my face and from the previews of our line-up this weekend Notte Sento might be the most smiley film I am seeing this week.

This was also reviewed on Brevity 5.

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